In case that the customer wants to return a shipment that was previously received by RedBox pickup points (Lockers or Counters) and merchant's approved, please follow the steps in the attached video:

- After submitting the return request from merchant, the customer will receive a *PIN Code*.
- The customer can go to the nearest RedBox "Smart Locker" only, then click on “Send Now or Return” then click "Return Parcel" from the screen, and deposit the shipment in the locker, using the code.

The customer doesn’t need to print the return label, just write the return code on the shipment and deposit it in the smart locker.
- The customer must deposit the shipment by himself, in the "RedBox Smart Lockers", and not hand it over to any employee of a "RedBox Counter".

-The shipping fee of 8 Saudi riyals is charged by the merchant, not the customer. 

-The shipment will be returned to the merchant within 7 to 14 working days from when the customer deposits it in the locker.